We are officially Prague residents! This last week we moved into our apartment on Cimburkova street in Prague 3. Within our immediate area we have a lot of restaurants, small markets, bars, and our favorite cafe, Cafe Pavlac, right up the street! (If you are one who plans to come visit you can expect to have a meal or two there:) ) We are so lucky to have an amazing roommate who also happens to be from Minnesota! She is so great, she got TEFL certified through the same company and that's how we met. We are excited for the memories to come!

After only a week in country, I somehow managed to get an amazing job and started this past Monday! I will be working at ABC Academy, only a few tram stops away from my flat. I will be working 9-3 everyday which is wonderful! I am lucky to have a position that does not require me to travel so I can optimize my time and be paid for over 30 hours of teaching time. (Most companies require you to travel around the city and you do not get paid for travel time.) I will be working with a group of seven- four year olds. The school is a full English emersion program which is wonderful and the staff is amazing! I feel so fortunate to have them as friends and for support throughout my abroad teaching experience! Another amazing thing about this school that they go to camp 2-3 times a year. Starting Monday I will be on a bus heading to ski camp with 19 little ones. It blows my mind that they bring 3 year olds on a week long ski trip in the mountains! We rent out a cottage for 5 days and we have an Czech woman cook all of our meals. I cannot wait to try authentic Czech food and spend the week skiing...or trying to ski;)
Now that we have spent a significant amount of time away from The States, the cravings have started. Things we miss: Goldfish, Potato Oles, Doritos, Reese Peanut Butter Cups, beef jerky, peanut butter, Cheez Its, flavored pop (I have drank enough 7 up to get me through the rest of my life), and HOME COOKING. By the way our address is... ;)
Tom Buskey/ Lauren Manderfeld
Cimburkova 588/11
130 00 Praha 3
Czech Republic
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